Addressing Higher Levels of Bloom's Taxonomy in the Teaching and Learning of Physiology
Symposium — Sunday, April 22, 2024 — 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM — Convention Center, Room 28B
Teaching of Physiology Section — Chair: Hugh Clements-Jewery — Co-Chair: Mari Hopper
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a commonly used framework for organizing levels of learner expertise, and sorts educational objectives for knowledge-based goals into six separate levels that ascend in level of expertise: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Based on this framework, it is now widely recognized within educational courses and institutions that developing ‘higher order’ thinking and problem-solving skills is a desirable outcome. This symposium will address how Bloom’s Taxonomy is and can be used in the teaching and learning of physiology, with particular emphasis on identifying activities and assessments that address higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy such as application, synthesis and evaluation.
- Fostering higher-order cognitive skills in the teaching and learning of physiology.
Janet Casagrand — Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
- Using Bloom's Taxonomy to monitor assessment changes after flipping a course.
Lara R. DeRuisseau — LeMoyne Col.
- Addressing higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Does student performance match perception?
Mari Hopper — Univ. of Indiana, Evansville
- Using the Phys-MAPS to understand changes in students' ability to apply core physiology concepts.
Katharine A. Semsar — MCDB, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
Hugh Clements-Jewery —
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